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Label Schedules

Check out our Label Schedules 

To make clear what price you may ask for your tracks and to get a grasp of what your revenues might be, we have provided in 2 Label Schedules.

So, when you decide to sell your music on House of Tracks, you are immediately aware of your potential income. Below you can read the details. Remember: the more you sell, the higher the price you can choose for your tracks. Also: the more you sell, the higher your earnings.

Label Schedule 1: Maximum Price

For starters, everybody can ask €299 to €699 for each track. What price you choose is up to you. You decide!

When you sell more tracks, you will go to another level and you can choose a higher price. Keep in mind that after your track has been online for one week, you can lower the price. This way you can experiment with setting a higher price to start with, and lowering it step by step until someone buys it. But be aware: you cannot raise the price, only lower it. After 30 days you can also decide to put the track on sale, the price will then be €199 for 24 hours.

You can find all the prices in the graph below.

Label Schedule 1: Maximum Price

Label Schedule 2: Earnings Percentage (Commission)

Uploading and presenting your music via House of Tracks is completely free of charge. You do not have to pay anything up front. You only pay a percentage commission on the tracks you sell via our platform. In the beginning you will earn 64% of the tracks you sell (36% commission). But once you sell more tracks, your percentage earnings will also increase. That means you can end up with 75% earnings (25% commission) per track - a unique situation in our business!​

The first increase in earnings will take place after you've had €3750 in revenue. For example if you have sold 13 tracks for €299 or 6 tracks for €699. Keep in mind that for tracks in the lowest price bracket (€299 and on sale €199) everybody earns 64% (36% commission) no matter how much you've sold.

You can find all the steps in the graph below.

Label Schedule 2: Earnings Percentage (Commission)

The more you sell, the less you pay at House of Tracks!